Monday, August 3, 2015

Microsoft Office 2013 ISO Download

This post has focus on providing the direct download links of ISO files of Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus [other versions will be added] 32 bits and 64 bits in three languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English)

What are ISO files?
ISO, also called ISO Image, are single files the represent perfectly an entire CD, DVD or BD. The full content of a disc can be precisely duplicated in a single ISO file. The advantage of downloading and mounting ISO files for Microsoft Office Setup is that you skip the step of extracting files (like you must do in compressed files such zip and rar). Also, most recent Windows versions like 7 and 8.x contain integrated support for this files. You can easily right-click on it and mount the file and use it like a CD/DVD.
However, due to hardware lack of support for virtualization, you may not be able do Mount the ISO and use it as a virtual CD/DVD. For that, I recommend you to use third party software like UltraISO.

Office 2013 System Requirements 

Before we move on, is important to check which system specifications Office requires. See official documentation from Technet here

Which one I choose: x86 or x64 version?

Running the x64 (64 bit) edition requires an x64 Windows edition. The advantage of Office x64 is a bit better performance. Disadvantage is that it doesn't support most third party plugins and add-ons. Microsoft actually discourages the use of the x64 editions. So unless you're absolutely sure you need an x64 edition, you should choose x86 (32 bit).

Last update 02st May 2015
Update information
The links are not working anymore. Microsoft has removed all the ISO files from their servers. Fortunately, I have found a new server where Microsoft has original backup of their media which came in IMG format. The good news are that now I have access to more Office Editions such Home and Students, Personal, Home and Business, Professional Plus and also singular products such Word, PowerPoint and so on... The disadvantage of this compiled IMG files, is that they come whit both x86 and x64 editions, you will be forced to download extra bytes...

When will the links be updated on this post? 
I hope to bring Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil) plus English editions this week. I just need to check all the IMG files because I suspect they will require a Retail Product Key (otherwise you may won't be able to install them..). If you are waiting for Office 2013 IMG files you can send e-mail to, and you will be notified when this post is refresh!

Product Language Download
 Office Professional Plus 2013
Português (Portugal)
Português (Brasil)
 Language Pack (coming soon)

Installing Office
Once you downloaded the Office's *.Iso file, right-click the file and click Mount (this option is only available in Windows 8.x and Windows 10. Otherwise you need thirdly part software like UltraIso). Browse to the mounted image file drive and run Setup.exe file

Place a check mark next to I accept the terms of this agreement.
Then click Continue.

Install now or Customize?

  • Install Now: Begins the installation using default settings. This is will install Office in the default directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office and will install all integrated programs (Access, Excel, InfoPath, Lync, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, OneNote, Visio and Project). In addition will set, in User Information - which are used to identify who edit's the documents -  the full name as your current Windows account name.
  • Customize: Allows you to select the Office Apps you want to install, change installation directory as well change user information.
How to select the apps I want to install?
By default, all office apps will install. If you want to select the one's you really need, you have to click in the buttons and select option Not Available (check the picture below)

The installation process can take a long time, be patient.
Once the installer is finished, click Close

First steps..

Open any Office 2013 program that you just installed (Word for example). 
Pick an option for updates and data collection. Then click Accept.

An Office setup wizard starts up. Click Next to begin the wizard and continue making selections and clicking Next.

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1 comment:

  1. Full: Microsoft Office 2013 Iso >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Full: Microsoft Office 2013 Iso >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Full: Microsoft Office 2013 Iso >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK 7I
